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Healthy Looking Osprey Chicks












The Osprey commonly called the sea hawk, fish eagle, or fish hawk is a raptor whose diet consists of predominantly fish. The Osprey is capable of surviving in a wide range of habitats but preferring to nest near bodies of water that can provide it with an adequate food supply.This particular nest was located within the jetty in-between Jetty Island and the Everett marina.The bulky nest is constructed on an old piling with the nest containing: sticks, brush, seaweed, and a host of other materials.On this day I was fortunate enough to have a boat to cruise close enough to the nest, but not too close to spook the mother Osprey that had been very patient with me photographing her from the beach earlier and now while floating inside the jetty, as we approach the nest we were able to see some additional heads sticking out the nest. There was by my account two chicks in the nest, that had the look that only a mother could love, but wait the fledglings are still young and will grow into birds that will be a treat to photograph by photographers. For more Osprey pictures check out my Osprey Gallery.




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