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Sea Ducks of Semiahmoo Spit

Sea Ducks

On a recent sunny day in the great Pacific Northwest I was able to get outdoors and photograph sea ducks. These sea ducks were photographed from the beach on Semiahmoo Spit in Blaine Washington. Semiahmoo Spit is a spit that protrudes from the westernmost expanse of shore along Drayton Harbor. Sea Ducks make up 42 percent of the all the duck species in North America. The sea ducks that I was able to see on this day were: White Winged Scoters(bottom left), Surf Scoters( top left), Harlequin Ducks( top right), and  Barrow’s Goldeneyes(bottom right).

It was fairly easy to photograph the sea ducks on this day due to the gorgeous weather we were having and the perfect location I found on the beach.  I set up my gear next to a pile of driftwood and used one of the logs as a bench. This allowed me to sit low enjoy the weather and the Sea Ducks swam and drifted close to my location on the beach. At this location I was able to watch a group of Barrow’s Goldeneyes come up within feet of me. Throughout the day several other species drifted by some coming close to shore while others stayed out further in the surf fishing and foraging for food.

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